Friday, September 12, 2008

First post!! Hello, World!

Thanks for visiting my blog. This is the first time I've tried creating a blog, so please bear with me as I figure this out...

So, why start a blog? I recently learned about amigurumi, and after looking around on the web and seeing all the awesome critters that other people have made, I really wanted to try making some myself. And now that I've made a couple, I'm hooked! It's such a rewarding experience. You sit down with little more than a hook and a line of yarn, and when you get up, you have a new, unique toy. It's such a great feeling.

Since I'm don't know anyone else who makes amigurumi, I thought a blog would be a good way to show people my work and get some feedback and tips. Hopefully, it'll be a way to make some amigurumi-making friends.

I'm a life-long gamer, so I'm planning to stick to game characters for my amigurumi creations for now. There are plenty of games that I love that you can't easily get toys/figures for, so I'm going to try to focus on those first. (Plus, if they're more obscure, not as many people will point out how they're inaccurate! :P)

I guess that's enough blabbing... I'm going to finish this post and put up some images of my creations so far. Be gentle, please keep in mind I've only been doing this for 3 weeks.

- Amigurumeister

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I love your work.
I love game-related toys, too!

Would you like to affiliate to get hits on your blog? I think some of my readers would enjoy your work, too.

Hit me up with an e-mail if you'd be interested: