Friday, September 12, 2008

Blob and Inky together!

Just a couple of pictures of Blob and Inky together. (I gave Inky to a friend as a birthday present, so I had to borrow him back to take these photos.)

By blind luck, their sizes kind of match. I thought Blob might be too small, since he was made with fewer rows and stitches (I wanted to finish him quick...). However, because I used a thicker kind of yarn, the sizes turned out similar. :D

de Blob himself... Amigurumi style

This is the second amigurumi designed by me. I thought I would try making a Blob to go with Inky. It took some experimentation to work out how to do the mouth and arms, but I think he turned out not too bad. (BTW, the little circular piece is supposed to be a paint splat left by Blob.)

For comparison, here's a couple of images of the real Blob:

My first creation is... Inky! (from de Blob)

This is technically the second amigurumi I made. However, this is the first amigurumi that I designed myself!

He's Inky from "de Blob" (a Wii game that I've been hanging out for...). I thought the character looked awesome, and seemed like a character that would work well as an amigurumi.

Just in case, here's a picture of the Inky from the game for comparison. (I love the vinyl toy look of the characters.)

First post!! Hello, World!

Thanks for visiting my blog. This is the first time I've tried creating a blog, so please bear with me as I figure this out...

So, why start a blog? I recently learned about amigurumi, and after looking around on the web and seeing all the awesome critters that other people have made, I really wanted to try making some myself. And now that I've made a couple, I'm hooked! It's such a rewarding experience. You sit down with little more than a hook and a line of yarn, and when you get up, you have a new, unique toy. It's such a great feeling.

Since I'm don't know anyone else who makes amigurumi, I thought a blog would be a good way to show people my work and get some feedback and tips. Hopefully, it'll be a way to make some amigurumi-making friends.

I'm a life-long gamer, so I'm planning to stick to game characters for my amigurumi creations for now. There are plenty of games that I love that you can't easily get toys/figures for, so I'm going to try to focus on those first. (Plus, if they're more obscure, not as many people will point out how they're inaccurate! :P)

I guess that's enough blabbing... I'm going to finish this post and put up some images of my creations so far. Be gentle, please keep in mind I've only been doing this for 3 weeks.

- Amigurumeister